


France  F



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Adam31 (7)
Toulouse (31).
35, 175, 69,
bruns, yx noirs,
brown, black eyes.

Adam75 (1)
Paris (75).
1964, 178, 76,
châtains, yx gris,
auburn, grey eyes.

AdiBoy75 (1)
Paris (75).
27, 175, 70,
bruns, yx verts,
brown, green eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

Alain Tlse (3)
Toulouse (31).
1965, 175, 70,
bruns, yx noisette,
brown, hazel eyes.

Alain59 (2)
Nord (59).
1972, 186, 68,
noirs, yx noirs,
black, black eyes.

Alex (21)
Limoges (87).
1976, 177, 71,

blonds, yx bleus,
blond, blue eyes.

Aliens (4)
Paris (75).
1954, 171, 80,
yx verts,
green eyes.

Anthorau (3)
1981, 190, 85.

Arnold (4)
Paris (75).
1973, 178, 62,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Bem (13)
1974, 176, 70,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

Benjamin (3)
Paris (75).
1984, 180, 79,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Biscuit (3)
Avignon (84)
1977, 175, 68,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

Boxer83 (100)
St Raphaël (83).
1975, 178, 69,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

Bruno (4)
1963, 180, 80,

Bulge78 (4)
Versailles (78).

BulgeInLycra (2)

Caligulaxx (3)
Paris 19 (75).
1973, 183, 72,
bruns, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.

Christylon (20)
40, 180, 75.

CowBoy (4)
Avignon (84).
1978, 175, 62,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Cyril78 (1)
Versailles (78).
20, 170, 65,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

DanParis (5)
Paris 18 (75).
38, 182, 76,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Djamalkh (15)
Rouen (76).
1971, 171, 60.

Ennelle (17)
Boulogne (92).
40, 180, 73,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

Eppiphil (72)
Montbéliards (25).
42, 165, 67,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

ExibLycra (1)
Jouy Sous Thellelogne (60).
1974, 173, 65,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Fabian (46)
Toulouse (31).
1979, 178, 59,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

FanLycraString (10)
Paris (75).
1965, 176, 66,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

FanSlip (7)
1964, 186, 78,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Fb Boy (14)
Strasbourg (67).
30, 182, 75,
châtains, yx verts,

auburn, green eyes.

FootBoyBia (3)
170, 65,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Fransix (3)
Paris 20e (75).
1965, 180, 70.

Fred28aShort (4)
Creteil (94).
1971, 182, 65,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

FredoLycra (13)
Paris 19 (75).
30, 175, 59,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Fredx70 (17)
1963, 172, 62,
bruns, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.

Gay69 (5)
Lyon (69).
1952, 172, 62,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

GillesWrestler (6)
Paris (75).
1952, 172, 68,
yx noirs,
black eyes.

Jefslip (12)
Paris (75).
1965, 172, 67,
bruns, yx verts,
brown, green eyes.

Jhbb (8)
Lyon (69).
1976, 175, 65,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Jkeum33 (11)
Perpignan (66)
1965, 170, 60,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

JocksMan (15)
Périgueux (24).
38, 185, 75,
yx noirs,
black eyes.

JockStrap (6)
36, 186, 80,
bruns, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.

Jockva (12)
29, 181, 78,
yx verts,

green eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

Joleclairon (10)
Montbeliard (27).
1963, 173, 62,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

Jordi (2)
Noisy le grand (93).
30, 175, 70.
châtains, yx marron vert,
brown, brown green eyes.

KeuMoi (5)
1973, 180, 66
châtains, yx noisette,
auburn, hazel eyes.

Khena (10)
1982, 182, 72
châtains, yx marron vert,
brown, brown green eyes.

Lapinou (7)
Angers (49)
1969, 183, 84,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

Linoth62 (1)

Ludovic (1)
Paris (75).
31, 187, 79,
bruns, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.

Lycra68 (3)
Mulhouse (68).
47, 182, 72,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

LycraMen78 (2)
1975, 171, 50,
blonds, yx bleus,
blond, blue eyes.

LycraTom (33)
Lunel (34).
1973, 171, 79,
yx bleus vert,
blue green eyes.

LykraBzh (1)
Brest (29).
1975, 182, 75,
bruns, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.



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Hards pictures on pay site.

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Last news.

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Marc (361)
Blagnac (31).
40, 180, 75.
noirs, yx marron,
black, brown eyes.

MarcoParis15 (5)
Paris (75).
1971, 170, 72.
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

MarkOff (39)
Paris (75).
1976, 185, 75,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

MickyHot (4)
Asnières (92)
33, 181, 75,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

Microspot (16)
Vannes (56).
41, 180, 71.

MilitUnif (4)
1970, 168, 62
châtains, yx noisette,
auburn, hazel eyes.

MisterGP (32)
1970, 178, 70.
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Moustik (6)
Paris (75).
26, 175, 60,
bruns, yx marron verts,
brown, green brown eyes.

Mud44 (12)
Nantes (44).
1970, 176, 76,

bruns, yx bleus vert,
brown, blue green eyes.

Noured (2)
Angouleme (16).
175, 85,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

NylonAdidas (2)
Paris (75)
25, 180, 70,
bruns, yx marron.
brown, brown eyes.

Ouvert (1)
Paimpol (22)
1977, 170, 50,
noirs, yx noirs.
black, black eyes.

Parasite (23)
La Plaine St-Denis (93).
1974, 180, 72,
châtains, yx bleus,
auburn, blue eyes.

Patole57 (7)
Metz (57).
1974, 187, 79,
châtains, yx verts,

auburn, green eyes.

Phil34 (24)
Montpellier (34).
1958, 175, 73,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

Philig (9)
Paris (75).
1969, 173, 74,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Pumper333 (18)
Bordeaux (33).
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

René (11)
Paris (75)
35, 175, 66,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

Romeo (2)
Limoges (87),
33, 170, 60.

Rudy (14)
Paris (75).
1963, 182, 78,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Scott (24)
Paris 16 (75).
1967, 173, 65,
châtains,yx bleu verts,
auburn, blue green ey.

ShortMen06 (1)
Menton (06).
173, 75,

Sebus9560 (1)
1981, 175, 60,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

ShortNylon (4)
Lille (59).
1974, 170, 60,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Slibdog (2)
Paris (75).
38, 174, 65,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

SlipDeBain (5)
Nantes (44).
32, 185, 75,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

Slob 75 (15)
Paris (75).
38, 185, 78.

SlipWet (2)
Paris (75).
1972, 174, 83,

Spandlyc (9)
Paris 20 (75).
28, 180, 70,
châtains, yx marron,
auburn, brown eyes.

Toi ici
peut-etre ?

Comment faire ?

You here
perhaps ?

How to make?

Speedo13 (8)
Arles (13).
1960, 180, 78,
blonds, yx bleus,
blond, blue eyes.

Speedo75017 (7)+(1)
Paris (75).
1955, 178, 78.
gris, yx marron,
grey, brown eyes.

Sport Lycra (3)
Amiens (80).
37, 176, 66,
bruns, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Supes (26)
Paris (75).
1964, 185, 78,
châtains, yx bleus,
brown, blue eyes.

Thierry (9)
Metz (57).
38, 183, 73,
châtains, yx verts,
auburn, green eyes.

Thom (4)
Villeurbanne (69).
1966, 180, 77.

Tigrou (8)
Paris (75).
43, 76,
noirs, yx marron,
black, brown eyes.

Triathlete 94 (38)
36, 178, 75,
kaki, yx marron,
brown, brown eyes.

Ushiwaka (4)
Lille (59).
1972, 170, 62,
noirs, yx noirs,
black, black eyes.

WhiteOch (4)
Paris (75).
1974, 181, 74,
yx bleus,
blue eyes.

WrestlBertD (29)
Lille (59).
1968, 183, 76,
roux rassés, yx bleus,
reddish-brown,blue eyes.

Ylalfr (21)
Paris (75).
52, 175, 68,
blonds, yx verts,
blond, green eyes.


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